Why Storelab?
Your VR Store Simulator
The team at StoreLab™ have been in retail solutions for over 35 years.We support our clients with research, and interactive virtual and live interactive store experiences.
The Result? Our clients are standing out from their competition, building Shopper Intimacy, becoming more targeted through continuously refining their offer as well as realising cost efficiencies.
We exist to help you increase efficiency, generate class leading insights, design stand out packaging and deliver stunning client presentations.
Whether you’re designing stores, generating qual or quant insights or creating packaging and point of sale masterpieces, StoreLab has you covered. Our toolkit is based around a central “Perfect store” visualisation module (Connect™) coupled to any number of add on’s with packages tailored to your needs. Alternately for heavy users we offer a fully customized design suite maximising functionality and autonomy.
No matter your business, StoreLab’s suite of shopper visualization tools provides you with market leading technology in a user-friendly customizable package.
From Agency to boardroom to store and everywhere in between StoreLab makes sure that your shopper is never far away and always top of mind.
“Change almost never fails because it’s too early. It almost always fails because it’s too late.” Seth Godin
StoreLab Connect™ allows seamless 2 way integration of JDA & Spaceman space planning software. Build planograms that work in a real world environment and export to your planning software of choice. Alternately build in space planner and instantly visualise in a real world environment via StoreLab.
Our class leading integration add on allows dynamic visualisations of market data, no more numbers on a page, but deeply engaging, understandable metrics visualised in a familiar environment.
Wow your retailers with cutting edge review presentations bring the shelf environment into the office, display analytics, change out planograms, walk the shopper journey including off location and POS support strategies.
Gone are the days of approving artwork on a white background, having to imagine what it will look like on shelf and hoping that it will stand out in amongst its competitive set.
All too often, designs are worked up, and presented to clients in the context of a crisp white background. Designs which, when placed in a realistic environment may be recessive and lack cut through at shelf are ultimately pursued, and, worked on until late in the development stage. Utilising Storelabs visualization tool from the earliest stages of development ensures efficient workstreams, with designers able to focus on the territories with most potential at shelf. With clients able see their packaging designs come to life in the retail environment from the earliest concepting to final design approval.
Taking research respondents into a retail environment no matter their location is of exceptional value. The ability to have deep immersive shelf discussions within the privacy of a group room or online, opens up a plethora of new research techniques as well as allowing potentially sensitive client NPD to be displayed at shelf with the highest level of confidentiality.
Instantly and seamlessly changing packaging concepts, aisle flow, or signage increases the efficiency of group discussions and allows greater focus on depth of insight.
Add layers of depth to online quantitative surveys and choice models by utilising realistic shelf visualisation and shopping experiences.
Turn your store designs into a visual reality, Storelab allows you to quickly evaluate store layout and path to purchase, Use powerful VR tools to walk the floor in first person, evaluate signage & display and fixtures
StoreLab Connect™ allows seamless 2 way integration of JDA & Spaceman space planning software. Build planograms that work in a real world environment and export to your planning software of choice. Alternately build in space planner and instantly visualise in a real world environment via StoreLab.
Our class leading integration add on allows dynamic visualisations of market data, no more numbers on a page, but deeply engaging, understandable metrics visualised in a familiar environment.
Turn your store designs into a visual reality, Storelab allows you to quickly evaluate store layout and path to purchase, Use powerful VR tools to walk the floor in first person, evaluate signage & display and fixtures
New store design, store refurbishments, store relay etc.

case studies

ALDI Front End Merchandiser
Delivered +35% Sales Growth
Mars Wrigley with the use of StoreLab™ approached ALDI Australia to present global insights and data around leveraging the missed opportunity at the front of store.
Traditional ALDI front ends were messy, inconsistent in range, planogram and look and feel.
StoreLab™ built the NSW Warriewood store virtually and presented a range of conceptual front end merchandising solutions supported by powerful global insights supplied from Wrigleys Front End Global Growth Centre.
Concepts were reviewed, tweaked and then approved for an initial 1 store trial – results from testing over a 3 month period proved uplift in sales across the power categories of >35%.
A further 4 store trial across differing demographic locations was committed to with production now underway.
A Nationwide roll-out across their entire store network is underway.

Woolworths Front End Merchandiser
Arguably one of the most profitable locations within a supermarket is the Front End Merchandiser at checkout if implemented correctly.
With the right balance of the 4 key power categories (Confect, Gum/Mints, Drinks, Magazines) on the front end merch solution via the use of global insights and support data, StoreLab™, The Wrigley Company and Woolworths worked together to implement a new front end merchandising solution.
Using the traditional (old school) method of concept generation and presentation the project had misfired for more than 2 years – switching to the use of StoreLab™ and the collaborative experience it provided with the support of substantiated insights and data, the concept was presented, collaboratively co-designed and approved within a 6 hour workshop and moved to full scale nationwide rollout.
Results from the implementation of the unit to market have seen ~40% uplift in sales across all four categories.
StoreLab™ engaged the grocery team in a fun and powerful way that enabled everyone to make decisions clearly and efficiently. The challenges and opportunities were understood by everyone and the collaboration and real-time adjustment enabled the flow of ideas to lead to a solution.

Mars Pet food - Out of Stocks
StoreLab™ was engaged to provide a scripted 3D video simulation to support their strategy and direction at conference.
The goal was to visually present how out of stocks are effected over a typical 12 hour day across different days of the week.
StoreLab™ produced a dynamic scene that visually presented how quickly product was shopped over a 12 hour period over differing days of the week supported by visual Quantium data overlays and insights.
Further insights supported what can be done to minimize or rectify the problem via improved compliance, right range in the right locations etc.
In addition StoreLab™ also helped the team engage and identify opportunities for merch placement, aisle activation solutions etc, whilst focusing the POS in a way that worked in best with the existing fixturing and marketing in-store. StoreLab™ utilized the portable virtual store and operated this session at the conference premise.